Figure 2 of Seigel, Mol Vis 3:14, 1997.

Figure 2. DNA Fragmentation Characteristic of Apoptosis: A Non-quantitative Analysis

DNA fragmentation characteristic of apoptotic cell death can be seen in serumless-defined, death-induced, as well as heat-inactivated death-induced cell cultures, but not in control serum-containing conditions.

Lane 1 contains commercial 1 Kb DNA markers. DNA was harvested from cells grown under the following conditions: cells grown under serum-containing conditions (lane 2); cells grown 24 hr in serumless/defined medium (lane 3); cells grown for 24 hr in death-induced cell-conditioned medium (lane 4); cells grown for 24 hr in death-induced cell-conditioned medium which was heat inactivated 56 ° C for 45 min (lane 5). Approximately 1.2 µg of DNA was loaded per lane, based upon cell number and anticipated yield.

(10 K)

Seigel, Mol Vis 1997; 3:14 <>
©1997 Molecular Vision
ISSN 1090-0535