Table 7 of Kjellström, Mol Vis 2022; 28:300-316.

Table 7. Means and standard deviations for mfERG amplitudes in the right eye of the ABCA4 carriers and the controls, as well as p values for the Mann–Whitney U-test.

 Various mfERG ring 1 Ampl (µV/deg2) mfERG ring 2 Ampl (µV/deg2) mfERG ring 3 Ampl (µV/deg2) mfERG ring 4 Ampl (µV/deg2) mfERG ring 5 Ampl (µV/deg2)
ABCA4 carriers mean ± 1SD 31±11 22±7 17±4 15±4 16±4
mean ± 1SD 42±8 29±5 24±5 20±3 20±4
P value, Mann–Whitney U-test 0.024 0.017 0.002 0.001 0.006