Table 4 of Kjellström, Mol Vis 2022; 28:300-316.

Table 4. Description of OCT images in the ABCA4 carriers.

Subject OCT findings RE initial examination OCT findings LE initial examination OCT findings RE at follow-up OCT findings LE at follow-up
1 very subtle attenuation of the central EZ not tested very subtle attenuation of the central EZ very subtle attenuation of the central EZ
2 very subtle attenuation of the central EZ not tested very subtle attenuation of the central EZ N
3 very subtle attenuation of the central EZ N very subtle attenuation of the central EZ N
4 N N N N
5 N subtle outer retinal disruption N subtle outer retinal disruption
6 subtle attenuation of the central EZ N subtle attenuation of the central EZ ↑very subtle attenuation of the central EZ
7 very subtle attenuation of the central EZ N very subtle attenuation of the central EZ N
11 N N N N
12 subtle disturbances in the central RPE N subtle disturbances in the central RPE N
13 very subtle attenuation of the central EZ very subtle attenuation of the central EZ very subtle attenuation of the central EZ very subtle attenuation of the central EZ
14 interruption of the EZ centrally and subretinal fluid very subtle attenuation of the central EZ scarring in the RPE centrally and interruption of the EZ very subtle attenuation of the central EZ