Table 2 of Srivastava, Mol Vis 2022; 28:147-164.

Table 2. Predicted properties of five selected peptides of αA- and αB-crystallins.

Peptides Mr/pI Charge/Attribute Amino acid composition (%)
Acidic Basic Neutral Hydrophobic Water Solubility
 αA crystallin MDVTIQHPWFKRTL G (αAP1 ) 1871.21/8.25 2/ basic 6.67 20 26.67 40 Poor
 PFLSSTISPYYRQ (αAP2) 1558.77/9.59 1/basic 0 7.69 38.46 38.46 Poor
 αB crystallin EHLLESDLFPTSTSL (αBP3) 1688.87/3.82 -2/acidic 20 6.67 33.33 33.33 Good
PLTITSSL (αBP4) 830.99/6.01 0/neutral 0 0 50 50 Poor
 REEKPAVTAAPKK (αBP5) 1425.68/10.3  2/basic 15.4 30.8 7.7 30.8  Good