Figure 4 of Varadaraj, Mol Vis 2022; 28:11-20.

Figure 4. Impedance analyses of WT, GPX1−/−, and CAT−/− lenses. Twelve-month-old GPX1−/− lenses, not CAT−/− lenses, showed a significant decrease in GJC. Series resistance (Rs) of lenses from WT (n=6) GPX1−/− (n=6), and CAT−/− (n=6) mice as a function of distance from lens center (r/a), where r (cm) is actual distance and a (cm) is lens radius. The higher the Rs is, the lower the GJC conductance. Lenses of GPX1−/− mice showed a significant (p<0.001) increase in Rs; hence, the decrease in conductance in both DF and MF was comparable to the resistance in similar areas in WT. DF: differentiating fiber cells; MF: mature fibers.