Figure 2 of Jiang, Mol Vis 2021; 27:50-60.

Figure 2. The coloboma changes of ophthalmic examination results in patients with FZD5 variants. A-G: The fundus images demonstrated uveal coloboma in seven individuals (9574-I:1, 9574-II:1, 9574-II:2, 5485-I:1, 5485-II:2, 12467-II:1, 17413-II:1). H: The proband (5485-II:1) had microcornea with iris coloboma in both eyes and his sister (5485-II:2) had inferior iris coloboma in both eyes. I: The UBM result from family 5485 illustrated iris coloboma in the right eyes of 5485-II:1 and 5485-II:2, while the UBM graph of the right eye in the father from family 5485-I:1 was normal.