Table 4 of Hu, Mol Vis 2021; 27:466-479.

Table 4. Microvascular density (Dbox) at baseline and 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months postoperatively in 6 annular zones of SVP.

Retina C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Preoperation 1.495±0.057 1.560±0.045 1.528±0.031 1.517±0.031 1.508±0.025 1.538±0.021
Post-1 week 1.466±0.074 1.550±0.04 1.522±0.033 1.509±0.031 1.505±0.025 1.536±0.021
Post-1 month 1.467±0.078 1.550±0.043 1.517±0.037 1.502±0.041 1.497±0.03 1.529±0.022
Post-3 month 1.471±0.075 1.549±0.037 1.519±0.033 1.508±0.031 1.503±0.024 1.532±0.017
Re-ANOVA p=0.039* p=0.393 p=0.174 p=0.031* p=0.079 p=0.021*
Pre/1-week p=0.001* p=0.179 p=0.100 p=0.031* p=0.398 p=0.365
Pre/1-month p=0.012* p=0.136 p=0.029 p=0.002* p=0.017* p=0.037*
Pre/3-month p=0.075 p=0.209 p=0.130 p=0.110 p=0.335 p=0.265