Table 2 of Hu, Mol Vis 2021; 27:466-479.

Table 2. Macrovascular density and microvascular density (Dbox) at baseline and 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months postoperatively (* denotes statistical significance).

Time point Retina Superficial Deep Retina Superficial Deep
Preoperation 1.012±0.035 1.021±0.034 0.798±0.098 1.798±0.026 1.799±0.023 1.793±0.040
Post-1 week 1.010±0.032 1.018±0.034 0.809±0.087 1.793±0.026 1.794±0.024 1.790±0.043
Post-1 month 1.012±0.038 1.020±0.040 0.801±0.131 1.786±0.03 1.787±0.029 1.783±0.046
Post-3 month 1.004±0.036 1.008±0.055 0.803±0.119 1.79±0.023 1.795±0.021 1.792±0.038
Re-ANOVA p=0.767 p=0.545 p=0.981 p=0.018* p=0.03* p=0.065
Pre/1-week p=0.999 p=0.978 p=0.957 p=0.057 p=0.046* p=0.423
Pre/1-month p>0.999 p=0.999 p=0.999 p=0.0011* p=0.001* p=0.017
Pre/3-month p=0.972 p=0.421 p=0.996 p=0.085 p=0.292 p=0.932