Table 2 of Bawankar, Mol Vis 2021; 27:415-428.

Table 2. Quantification of secondary structure content of the monomers, oligomers and fibrils.

Sr. no. Secondary structure Wavelength (cm−1) Secondary structure (%)
1 β-sheet
(1630–1637 cm−1) 1637±0.16 56±0.56
2 β-turn
(1662–1678 cm-1 and 1689–1699 cm-1) 1665±0.21 35±1.19
3 Antiparallel β-sheet
(1679–1688 cm−1) 1685±0.10 9±0.64
1 Cross-β
(1611–1630 cm−1) 1615±3.54 7±4
2 Cross-β
(1611–1630 cm−1) 1628±1.18 15±11
3 Random coil
(1637–1647 cm−1) 1642±2.49 31±6
4 α-helix
(1647–1662 cm−1) 1661±0.81 34±2
5 Antiparallel β-sheet 1680±0.5 10±2
6 β-turn 1692±0.26 2±0.3
1 Cross-β 1614±0.71 3±0.35
2 β-sheet 1632±0.49 27±1.34
3 Random coil 1643±0.17 14±1.95
4 α-helix 1659±0.51 32±1.84
5 β-turn 1677±0.52 21±2.05
6 β-turn 1690±0.20 3±0.13