Figure 3 of Li, Mol Vis 2021; 27:309-322.

Figure 3. The facial features of one proband with ODDD and the eye appearance of the proband with microcornea and bilateral cornea opacity. A: Proband 10,651-II:2 showed typical facial features, including microcornea, sparse eyelashes and eyebrows, bilateral epicanthus, and ocular hypertelorism. B, C: Fundus imaging of the proband in 10,651 revealed increased numbers of vascular branches crossing the tilted optic disc and tessellated retina. D: The fourth and fifth fingers of both hands had previously been surgically released. E: Corneal staphyloma appeared in the right eye of proband 10,779-II:4, and bilateral microcornea and cornea opacities were also seen.