Figure 2 of Ma, Mol Vis 2021; 27:300-308.

Figure 2. Chondroitinase ABC disrupted the glia barrier 1 week after transplantation of mRPCs combined with chondroitinase ABC into the B6 mice. GFAP and vimentin expression in the subretinal area was degraded by chondroitinase. No GFAP or vimentin expression was seen around the cells that migrated into the retinal layers. A: Overlay, B: GFAP, C: DAPI, D: GFP, I: high magnification of the white boxed area in A in the subretinal area, J: high magnification of the red boxed area in A in the inner nuclear area. E: Overlay, F: vimentin, G: DAPI, H: GFP, K: high magnification of the white boxed area in E in the subretinal area, L: High magnification of the red boxed area in E in the inner nuclear area. Scale bar: 50 um (A, E). Abbreviations: GCL, retinal ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; SRS, subretinal space.