Table 1 of Eliseeva, Mol Vis 2021; 27:262-269.

Table 1. Phenotypic characteristics of the study participants.

Parameters Controls, XFG patients   POAG patients   P
mean ± SD, % (n) mean ± SD, % (n) p mean ± SD, % (n) p XFG - POAG
N 396 328 - 208 - -
Age, years 62.02±11.54 71.64±8.67 <0.001 69.80±8.61 <0.001 0.03
(min–max) (42–87) (43–94)   (46–87)    
Gender ratio, m/f 44.44/55.56
(176/220) 47.26/52.74 (155/173) 0.49 43.75/56.25 (91/117) 0.94 0.48
BMI, kg/m2 27.95±5.45 27.57±4.69 0.53 28.42±5.09 0.18 0.05
Mean systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 130.87±14.83 142.29±17.67 <0.001 139.64±16.01 <0.001 0.1
Mean diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg 84.08±9.57 87.24±11.57 <0.001 83.89±9.27 0.36 <0.001
Smoke 28.03 (111) 25.91 (85) 0.58 26.92 (56) 0.85 0.88
Alcohol consumption 32.07 (127) 30.18 (99) 0.64 30.77 (64) 0.82 0.26
Family history of glaucoma 6.06 (24) 20.12 (66) <0.001 19.23 (40) <0.001 0.88
Ophthalmological characteristics            
Intraocular pressure, mm Hg 16.41±1.54 25.19±5.78 <0.001 25.12±5.86 <0.001 0.86
Cup to disc ratio 0.25±0.08 0.72±0.31 <0.001 0.74±0.35 <0.001 0.78
Somatic pathologies            
Essential hypertension 61.11 (242) 72.56 (238) 0.002 67.79 (141) 0.13 0.29
Arterial hypotension 5.81 (23) 4.27 (14) 0.44 4.33 (9) 0.56 1
Heart atherosclerosis 14.14 (56) 29.57 (97) <0.001 39.90 (83) <0.001 0.02
Heart ischemia 24.00 (95) 35.36 (116) <0.001 40.38 (84) <0.001 0.28
Diabetes 10.10 (40) 15.24 (50) 0.05 17.31 (36) 0.02 0.6
Digestive system pathology 12.88 (51) 14.33 (47) 0.65 14.42 (30) 0.69 1
Kidney pathology 7.32 (29) 8.54 (28) 0.64 7.69 (16) 0.98 0.85
Respiratory system pathology 5.05 (20) 6.10 (20) 0.65 6.73 (14) 0.51 0.91
Nervous system pathology 9.09 (36) 9.45 (31) 0.97 10.09 (21) 0.8 0.92