Table 6 of Benitez-del-Castillo, Mol Vis 2021; 27:243-261.

Table 6. Comparison of fold-changes in DED, relative to CT, obtained in ELISA assays and using multiplexed antibody microarrays.

Group CST4 S100A6 MMP9
ELISA Microarrays ELISA Microarrays ELISA Microarrays
DE −2.14 −1.83 1.36 8.63 5.83 9.67
Mild DE −1.73 −1.22 1.27 4.75 3.95 11.52
Moderate DE −2.15 −2.00 1.34 8.15 9.67 10.48
Severe DE −3.39 −4.73 1.53 15.68 1.11 5.17