Figure 6 of Woodard, Mol Vis 2021; 27:179-190.

Figure 6. P388S TULP1 does not activate the ER stress response. A: Quantitative PCR (qPCR) of hHSPA5, hDNAJB9, and hASNS transcript levels with TaqMan probes in wild-type (WT) TULP1 enhanced green fluorescent protein- (eGFP-) or P388S TULP1 eGFP-expressing cells. B: Western blot showing GRP78 expression in eGFP-, WT TULP1 eGFP-, or P388S TULP1 eGFP-transfected cells. One microgram per milliliter Tm was used as a positive control to analyze GRP78 induction. C: Quantification of western blot in (B). n = 3 biologic independent experiments, mean ± standard deviation (SD); *p<0.05, **p<0.01, one-sample t test versus hypothetical value of 1 (i.e., unchanged), n.s., not significant.