Table 3 of Santra, Mol Vis 2021; 27:125-141.

Table 3. Indirect ophthalmoscopy observations.

Animal Day 1 Day 4 Day 8 Day 16
iHA-VMA 1 Membrane over retinal surface, partial PVD. Partial PVD, the membrane is thinned out Partial PVD Partial PVD
2 No PVD Partial PVD A clinically membrane-like structure may be partial PVD ##
3 PVD Freely floating membrane, PVD Membrane thinned out, PVD Membrane thinned out, Complete PVD
4 Membrane on retinal surface, Partial PVD Partial PVD Thinned membrane, partial PVD PVD, membrane thinned out
5 No PVD Partial PVD Partial PVD Partial PVD, membrane thinned out
6 Partial PVD Partial PVD till attach to the disc Partial PVD PVD (complete), membrane thinned out
7 Membrane-like floating over the retinal surface, partial PVD PVD (up to disc) PVD (till attached to disc) PVD
8 Membrane-like over retinal surface, probable partial PVD Partial PVD Full PVD PVD, membrane thickness decrease significantly
9 A floating membrane on the retinal surface maybe partial PVD Membrane like features, thinner membrane, Partial PVD No PVD Changes in the disc, but no membrane formation, no clear-cut PVD
10 No PVD PVD Partial PVD Full PVD
VMA 1 Membrane over retinal surface, partial PVD PVD PVD Complete PVD, free-floating membrane
2 Partial PVD PVD PVD (attach to disc) ##
3 No PVD PVD Complete PVD PVD, membrane thinned out
4 Changes in the disc, but no membrane formation, no clear-cut PVD PVD PVD PVD, membrane thickness decrease significantly
5 No PVD Membrane like feature over retina, partial PVD Partial PVD Partial PVD