Table 4 of Gowri, Mol Vis 2020; 26:789-796.

Table 4. Previous studies on LHON prevalence.

Country Study design Duration (years) Number of patients identified
Finland Population based, Clinical follow-up [10] 34 (1970–2004) 108
Denmark Population based, Tertiary national referral center [8] ̴ 32 (1980–2012) 104
North East England Population based, Prospective, Referral based [13] 12 (1990–2002) 70
Serbia Population based, Prospective [15] ̴ 12 (2000–2013) 14
Japan Population based, Multiple centers (1397 facilities), Questionnaire based survey [16] 1 (2014) 72
Present study Hospital based, prospective, Single center 5 (2015–2019) 55