Table 6 of Urbančič, Mol Vis 2020; 26:472-482.

Table 6. Comparison of numerical areal densities (NA) of inflammatory cells in FVMs of patients with acitve PDR and patients with inactive PDR – median (minimum-maximum); Mann–Whitney test.

Numerical areal density (NA) PDR (n=33) active PDR (n=25) inactive PDR (n=8) P value
NA of CD45+ cells per mm2 237.31 (0–1253.99) 237.31 (38.80–1253.99) 205.03 (0–442.07) 0.27
NA of CD3+ cells per mm2 22.86 (0–178.57) 45.45 (10.85–178.57) 12.17 (0–22.86) 0.008
NA of CD4+ cells per mm2 39.37 (0–535.71) 90.85 (6.51–535.71) 21.51 (0–31.25) 0.003
NA of CD8+ cells per mm2 35.24 (0–408.65) 35.24 (0–408.65) 30.27 (0–64.58) 0.16
NA of CD19+ cells per mm2 4.34 (0–115.27) 11.16 (0–115.27) 0 (0–0) 0.001
NA of CD14+ cells per mm2 216.2 (21.48–1529.02) 207.13 (21.48–1529.02) 261.36 (99.81–525.00) 0.95