Table 5 of Urbančič, Mol Vis 2020; 26:472-482.

Table 5. Comparison of vitreous samples from patients with active PDR and inactive PDR – median (minimum-maximum); Mann–Whitney test.

  Patients with PDR (n=33)
Cytokine active PDR (n=25) inactive PDR (n=8) P value
MCP-1 (pg/ml) 1625.84 (441.3–3990.74) 929.35 (403.05–1625.84) 0.003
IL-8 (pg/ml) 114.15 (37.57–295.71) 52.53 (20.04–147.13) 0.02
IL-6 (pg/ml) 65.08 (23.7–798.23)-295.71) 27.43 (13.64–220.31) 0.09
VEGF (pg/ml) 500.89 (26.41–1439.3) 147.97 (29.86–304.64) 0.009
IL-1β (pg/ml) 8.13 (7.51–67.36) 19.51 (7.71–33.93) 0.55
TNF-α (pg/ml) 13.41 (3.26–69.09) 13.62 (3.51–31.52) 0.91
MIP-1α (pg/ml) 6.9 (6.9–68.26) 11.31 (6.9–28.16) 0.49
MIP-1β (pg/ml) 12.02 (2.9–30.67) 14.46 (4.56–38.02) 0.52
IL-10 (pg/ml) 5.61 (4.9–6.9) 5.78 (5.37–8.12) 0.20
IL-12 (pg/ml) 2.77 (0.68–14.99) 3.48 (1.07–22.26) 0.55