Table 6 of Li, Mol Vis 2020; 26:359-369.

Table 6. The NPSI-E scores of all subjects.

Test Control CMDE DESOS P value
Total NPSI-E Scores 2.89±0.44 8.74±1.33 18.19±6.67 *<0.0001,**<0.0001
NPSI-E/sign 0.10±0.14 0.25±0.12 1.87±1.02 *<0.0001,**<0.0001
Eye pain right now 0.14±0.17 1.14±1.21 3.08±2.12 *<0.0001,**0.0007
Burning 0.43±0.61 1.34±1.29 3.13±1.65 *<0.0001,**0.0002
Pressure 1.12±0.57 1.02±1.16 2.29±1.37 *<0.0001,**0.0016
Pain evoked by wind 0.18±0.24 1.18±1.07 2.98±1.68 *<0.0001,**0.0001
Pain evoked by light 0.41±0.46 1.54±1.17 3.10±1.58 *<0.0001,**0.7995
Pain evoked by cold or hot 0.32±0.38 1.23±1.39 2.31±1.16 *<0.0001,**0.0033
Pins and needles 0.29±0.53 1.29±1.95 2.29±1.25 *<0.0001,**0.0231