Table 1 of Namburi, Mol Vis 2020; 26:299-310.

Table 1. Summary of clinical data of patients included in this analysis.

Patient ID Age Sex BCVA Anterior segment Lens Fundus
MOL1154 IV:2 10 F 0.70 Normal Clear Macular lesion with peripheral refractile drusen-like dots
MOL1154 III:3 28 F 0.55 Normal Clear Macular lesions
MOL1154 III:1 34 F 1.10 Normal Clear Macular drusen-like lesions
MOL1154 II:4 57 F NA NA NA Confluent drusen-like cluster within the fovea
MOL1154 II:2 62 F 0.55 Normal Clear Macular and peripheral yellow spots
MOL1154 I:2 87 F 0.40 Normal Clear Macular and peripheral drusen