Figure 4. The selective sensitivity of POU6F2 RGC subtypes is demonstrated using the DBA/2J mouse model of glaucoma. POU6F2 (green)
differentially labels ganglion cells (stained red with RBPMS). A: In the retina, 16.8% of the retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are heavily labeled, and 16.1% of the RGCs are lightly labeled
for POU6F2. In 8-month-old DBA/2J mice, there is a modest loss of RGCs with 22% loss of RBPMS-labeled RGCs in aged DBA/2J
mice compared to young DBA/2J mice (2 months of age, young D2). The arrow heads mark heavily-labeled RGCs and the arrows indicate
lightly-labeled RGCs. B: There was a dramatic loss of 73% of the heavily labeled POU6F2-positive cells compared to the young D2 mice. These data
demonstrate the sensitivity of the heavily labeled POU6F2 RGC subtype to glaucoma.