Table 1 of Stålhammar, Mol Vis 2019; 25:502-516.

Table 1. Characteristics of patients and tumors included in this study.

n = 32
Mean age at enucleation, years (min—max) 62 (24–92)
Sex, n (%)
Female 15 (47)
Male 17 (53)
Tumor location, n (%)
Choroid only 22 (69)
Choroid and ciliary body 7 (22)
Choroid, ciliary body and iris 1 (3)
Iris only, or ciliary body and iris 2 (6)
Cell type, n (%)
Spindle 2 (6)
Epitheloid 4 (13)
Mixed 26 (81)
Mean tumor thickness, mm (min—max) 8.8 (1.1–17.4)
Mean tumor diameter, mm (min—max) 15.5 (4.8–22.5)
Previous brachytherapy, n (%)
No 32 (100)
Yes 0 (0)
AJCC T-category, n (%)
1 2 (6)
2 6 (19)
3 16 (50)
4 8 (25)
Gene expression class, n (%)
1a 7 (23)
1b 8 (25)
2 15 (47)
Na 2 (6)
Manual BAP1 classification, n (%)
High 12 (38)
Low 20 (63)
Follow-up months, mean (SD, min—max) 28 (20, 2–56)
Metastasis, n (%)
No 18 (56%)
Yes 14 (44%)