Appendix 6 of Zhang, Mol Vis 2019; 25:462-476.

Appendix 6.

Figure showing full-sized images that suggest that exercise prevents accumulation of TUNEL signal in photoreceptor cells of induced I307N Rho mice. The I307N Rho degeneration was induced in active and inactive mice. A week later the mice were euthanized and ocular sections stained for TUNEL (green) and DAPI (blue). Representative images of complete retina sections from each treatment group are shown. The right half of each section is dorsal/superior and the left half is ventral periphery/inferior. A: Section from an inactive, uninduced mouse shows little to no TUNEL-positive ONL nuclei across the span of the retina. B: Section from an inactive, induced mouse shows numerous TUNEL-positive ONL nuclei in both superior and inferior halves. C: Section from an active, induced mouse shows almost no TUNEL-positive ONL nuclei in inferior half and diminished numbers of TUNEL-positive ONL nuclei relative to inactive mouse sections in the superior half. To access the data, click or select the words “Appendix 6.”