Appendix 2 of Zyla, Mol Vis 2019; 25:446-461.

Appendix 2. Optic neuritis history for patients in retrospective chart study. (A, B)

Control cohort of Tecfidera™-naïve patients with optic neuritis episodes for females (A) and males (B). Each hashmark on the y-axis corresponds to an individual patient with the aligned red squares representing the individual optic neuritis episodes for that patient. Years are depicted on the x-axis. The vertical line in each graph represents the initial MS diagnosis and initiation of treatment (Dx and Tx, respectively). Data points to the left of the vertical line indicate optic neuritis episodes before treatment for MS and those to the right of the vertical line represent episodes following diagnosis and treatment initiation. (C,D) Graphs of optic neuritis episodes for Tecfidera™-treated patients using initial diagnosis (Dx) and treatment (Tx) as a reference point (vertical dotted line) as described for (A,B). Females are depicted in (C) and males in (D). Each hashmark on the y-axis corresponds to a single patient with the horizontally-aligned green dots representing individual optic neuritis episodes for that patient. Years are depicted on the x-axis. (E,F) Replotted data from (C,D) for Tecfidera™-treated female (E) and male (F) patients using the initiation of Tecfidera™ treatment as a reference point (vertical dotted line). Data points to the left of the vertical line represent optic neuritis episodes before Tecfidera™ treatment and those to the right represent episodes during maintenance on Tecfidera™. To access the data, click or select the words “Appendix 2.”