Appendix 2 of Buescher, Mol Vis 2019; 25:165-173.

Appendix 2. Activities of control GAL4 DBD fusions.

A strong repression domain (the repression domain from the Drosophila melanogaster engrailed gene, enR) or a strong activation domain (the viral activation domain, VP16) were fused to a heterologous GAL4 DNA binding domain (GAL4 DBD) and assayed for transactivation of a GAL4-responsive firefly luciferase reporter. A. GAL4 DBD fusions used in this experiment. B. Reporter gene activity is calculated as firefly luciferase activity normalized to Renilla luciferase control and is presented relative to activity of the GAL4 DBD only construct. Values represent the mean of 9 - 10 independent experiments (9 replicates per experiment). Normalized values are shown above each bar. Error bars represent standard deviation from the mean. Transactivation activity values for all constructs tested are significantly different from the activity of GAL4 DBD using a corrected (Bonferroni) critical value p<0.003125. * - p=2.05 X 10−34 n=90, ** - p=3.62 X 10−13 n=90. For GAL4 DBD only, n=87. To access the data, click or select the words “Appendix 2.”