Figure 4 of Kim, Mol Vis 2019; 25:129-142.

Figure 4. Histopathology of whole globes with low magnification in Yap1+/- and WT mice. Histopathology demonstrating globe size from a WT mouse with normal eyes (A) versus Yap1+/− mice with microphthalmia and anterior segment dysgenesis (B). Eyes from the Yap1+/− mice also demonstrated microphakia with cataractous changes characterized by marked degeneration and liquefaction of lens fibers, formation of Morgagnian globules, as well as bladder cells (D) versus age-matched WT mice with an appropriate lens size and morphology (C). (A and B) 2X, 1 year old; (C and D) 20X, 2 months old.