Appendix 1 of Kim, Mol Vis 2019; 25:129-142.

Appendix 1.

Tables show (A) total number of mice with genotypes and genders generated from the initial pairs and (B) number of mice used for the examination and imaging in this study. One eye of each mouse was submitted for histology and the opposite eye was dedicated for transmission electron microscopy. *Both eyes were fixed for the H&E staining when the eyes were severe microphthalmia. (C) Pedigree structure shows paternal relationships of the 5 Yap1+/− mice with clinically normal transparent corneas. The mouse #1643 is one of Yap1+/− mice among 5 from the KOMP to produce 5 of the 318 pups included in this study. No clinical exam was performed for mice #1643 and #25. To access the data, click or select the words “Appendix 1.”