Figure 2 of Eiberg, Mol Vis 2019; 25:1-11.

Figure 2. RT–PCR amplification products from different tissues using the primer set CCV-mut-F/-R. Lane 1: Epstein Barr virus–transformed B-lymphocytes cell cDNA preparations showing the 218 bp transcripts. Donor splice site: 5′-AGA CCT CCA G^G TGA GGA AGG and the acceptor splice site: TTT CCT CCA G^G CTG CAC CA-3′. Lane 2: A 500 bp genomic product. Lane 3: Universal Human reference RNA (mixed carcinoma) shows the 324 bp product. Donor splice site: 5′-AGA CCT CCA G^G TGA GGA AGG and acceptor splice site: CTC TCC CCA G^C CAG CGC CCT-3′. Lane 4: cDNA from a human fetal eye from DNase-treated RNA. A 324 bp product (arrow) is seen. Lane 5: cDNA from human lens epithelial cells (HLEpiC cat. No. 6554 lot no. 2531, ScienCell) not DNase treated. A genomic DNA (500 bp) and a 324 bp PCR product (arrow) are seen from the spliced RP1–140A9.1. Lane 6: 100 bp ladder.