Table 3 of Ţălu, Mol Vis 2018; 24:902-912.

Table 3. Select amplitude, hybrid, functional, and spatial roughness parameters obtained for the human lens capsule surface that show age-related trends.

Parameter Units Donor ages
30 years 36 years 44 years 53 years 55 years 71 years 79 years 88 years
Hybrid Parameters
Mean Summit Curvature (Ssc) 1/μm 12.99 8.92 20.22 19.14 2.81 1.59 16.90 5.50
Root mean square gradient (Sdq) None       0.32 0.16       0.23 0.26       0.12       0.08 0.43 0.15
Area Root Mean Square Slope (Sdq6) None       0.30 0.15       0.22 0.25       0.12       0.08 0.40 0.15
Surface area ratio (Sdr) %       4.14 1.22       2.47 3.26       0.74       0.33 7.91 1.10
      Functional Parameters
Surface Bearing Index (Sbi) None       0.30 0.31       0.19 0.48 0.51 0.66 0.39 0.62
Reduced Summit Height (Spk) nm       18.29 13.11       21.06 20.54 12.72 14.89 41.93 12.10
      Spatial Parameters
Dominant radial wavelength (Srw) μm 2.69 3.09 3.25 5.01 1.89 5.08 5.09 5.04
Cross hatch angle (Sch) degrees 104.70 35.78 28.36 106.80 43.73 21.00 70.86 17.64