Table 3 of Harman, Mol Vis 2018; 24:875-889.

Table 3. Summary report generated using IPA.

Name p-value Overlap
EIF2 Signaling 3.63E-33 67.6% (140/207)
Regulation of eIF4 and P70S6K Signaling 2.06E-24 67.8% (101/149)
Mitochondrial Dysfunction 1.58E-22 64.8% (103/159)
Huntington’s Disease Signaling 2.07E-22 57.5% (138/240)
Sirtuin Signaling Pathway 2.26E-21 55.0% (148/269)
Top 5 Associated Network Functions
     1. Metabolic Disease, Neurologic Disease, Organismal Injury and Abnormalities
     2. Cancer, Cell Death and Survival, Organismal Injury and Abnormalities
     3. Neurologic Disease, Ophthalmic Disease, Developmental Disorder
     4. Protein Synthesis, Gene Expression, Hereditary Disorder
     5. Cell-to-Cell Signaling and Interaction, Nervous System Development and Function, Neurologic Disease