Figure 3 of Huang, Mol Vis 2018; 24:367-378.

Figure 3. Low-dose minocycline alleviated the activation of microglia in the retinal I/R injury model. The resting microglial cells have small cell bodies and few, thin processes, while activated microglial cells are characterized by enlarged cell bodies with numerous hypertrophied processes or amoeboid cell bodies. AD: Whole-mounted retinas showing Iba1-positive microglia throughout the retina in the control group (A), with arrows identifying resting microglia, (B) the ischemic reperfusion injury (I/R) + normal saline (NS) vehicle group with the arrows identifying activated microglial cells, (C) the low-dose minocycline (MC) group, and (D) the high-dose MC group. Scale bar = 100 µm. E: Quantitative estimate of the numbers of activated Iba1-positive microglia (n=7). #p<0.01,**p<0.005.