Table 1 of Wawrocka, Mol Vis 2018; 24:326-339.

Table 1. Ophthalmological findings of CRD patients.

Family Gender Age (yrs) Inheritance BCVAright-left Fundus/AF Color Vision disturbances Nyctalopia Nystagmus Photophobia Perimetry ERG
1 M 29 XL 0.1–0.1 pale optic disc + - + + ND photopic and scotopic diminished
2 F 53 AD 0.02- 0.02 normal + - - - concentric narrowed ND
3 F 33 AR 0.2–0.3 bull's eye maculopathy + - - + normal photopic diminished, scotopic slightly diminished
4 M 27 AD 0.2–0.2 bilateral mild changes + - - + visual field deficit photopic and scotopic diminished
5 M 17 AR 0.4- 0.4 bilateral macular granular appearance + + - + concentric narrowed photopic extinguished, scotopic 50%
6 F 16 AR 0.1–0.1 ND + - + + ND photopic 15%, scotopic 5%
7 M 50 XL 0.05- 0.1 bull's eye maculopathy + - - + central scotoma photopic extinguished, scotopic diminished
8 M 24 XL 0.1–0.1 normal - - + + ND photopic and scotopic diminished
9 F 36 AD 0.3–0.3 bull’s eye maculopathy + + - - irregular scotomas photopic and scotopic diminished
10 F 35 AD 0.1- 0.1 bilateral pale optic disc + - + + ND photopic and scotopic extinguished
11 M 43 AR,XL 0.06- 0.1 loss of macular reflex/ RPE atrophy + - + + visual field deficit, mostly peripheral ND
12 F 20 AR 0.2–0.3 normal + - + + ND photopic diminished, scotopic 50%
13 M 38 AR,XL 0.6- 0.9 bull's eye maculopathy, narrowing of the retinal blood vessels + + - + irregular scotomas photopic and scotopic diminished
14 F 13 AD 0.1- 0.1 loss of macular reflex, pale optic disc - + + - ND photopic and scotopic diminished
15 M 20 AR,XL 0.2- 0.2 macula with reflex, normal optic disc and blood vessels - - - - normal photopic residual, scotopic subnormal
16 F 45 AD 0.1- 0.1 normal/ RPE atrophy, macular granular appearance + + + + concentric narrowed (5°) photopic and scotopic diminished
17 M 9 AR 0.1–0.2 loss of macular reflex, foveal hypoplasia +/− - - + ND extinguished photopic and diminished scotopic
18 F 34 AD 0.1- 0.1 bilateral macular granular appearance + - - + central irregular scotomas photopic diminished, scotopic 50%–80%