Figure 4 of Venkatesh, Mol Vis 2017; 23:944-951.

Figure 4. Loss of Casp7 does not affect secondary cone death in Rho-KO mice. A: Examples of retinal flat mounts of Casp7+/+_Rho-KO and Casp7–/–_Rho-KO mice stained for cone arrestin (red signal) expression at the onset of cone death (17 weeks) and a later time point (30 weeks) that corresponds to roughly 10 weeks in rd1 mice. B: Quantification of cone survival at 17 and 30 weeks of age of Casp7+/+_Rho-KO and Casp7–/–_Rho-KO mice. No statistically significant improvement in cone survival is seen upon loss of Casp7. C: B-wave amplitudes of photopic electroretinogram recordings showed also no statistically significant improvement in cone function upon loss of Casp7. (n=6 per genotype and time point in B and C; Error bars: SEM).