Figure 5 of Zakharevich, Mol Vis 2017; 23:740-752.

Figure 5. The impact of ZEB1 reduction on cell barrier function in in HCEnC-21T cells. A: HCEnC-21T cells were transfected with ZEB1 siRNA-C or scrambled siRNA (sc-siRNA), and knockdown of ZEB1 was confirmed with western blotting. B: Impedance (ohm) at 4,000 Hz, interendothelial resistance (Rb), cell attachment resistance (alpha), and plasma membrane capacitance (Cm) were measured for 48 h after seeding on electric cell–substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) electrode arrays. Three wells for each condition were measured; n = 3. Error bars = standard error of the mean (SEM). Statistical significance (p<0.05) is noted for a range when two or more sequential time points demonstrated statistical significance.