Figure 1 of Kim, Mol Vis 2017; 23:638-648.

Figure 1. Effect of Pinus densiflora bark extract on morphological changes in lenses of 16-day-old rats. Anterior views were taken (A) without a white-light lamp and (B) with a white-light lamp. Lenses of group 1 were totally clear (stage 0), those of group 2 developed stage 5 cataract, and those of groups 3 and 4 developed stage 4 cataract. Lenses of groups 5 and 6 were protected by P. densiflora bark extract (stages 3 and 2 each). Group 1: normal control, Group 2: selenite-treated, Group 3: selenite/curcumin-treated (80 mg/kg), Groups 4 to 6: selenite/P. densiflora bark extract-treated (40, 80, and 120 mg/kg, respectively) animals.