Figure 3 of Grossman, Mol Vis 2017; 23:561-571.

Figure 3. Reduction in ocular factor B protein following trans-cardial perfusion of wild-type mice. C57BL/6J mice were subjected to trans-cardial perfusion with PBS. Unperfused mice served as control (n = 3 per group). A: The factor B protein levels were measured in the ocular extracts with western blot analysis. Total protein extracts were obtained from one whole eye. Different amounts of recombinant human factor B protein (rhFB) were loaded on the gel to estimate the ocular factor B levels. Immunoblotting for tubulin was used to ensure equal protein loading on the gel. B: Quantification of panel A. C: Analysis of liver factor B protein levels with western blot. Immunoblotting for tubulin was used to ensure equal protein loading on the gel. D: Quantification of panel C.