Table 1 of Gaier, Mol Vis 2017; 23:548-560.

Table 1. Summary of OPA1 point mutations.

N Mutation Type Nucleotide Change Protein Position ExACMAF Reference Neurologic Symptoms
1 Splice chr3:193,360,552, A>G IVS11–2 Splice NP [40] None
1 Splice chr3:193,355,072, T>A IVS10+2 Splice NP Mavrogiannis LA, Clayton-Smith J, Charlton RS (unpublished)*, UK None
1 Missense chr3:193,332,823, C>T Ala115Val SA 0.00073
ENF 0.00026
Lat 0.00017 [11] None
1 Missense chr3:193,361,208, T>G Leu451Arg NP [41] Neuropathy
1 Missense chr3:193,363,399, G>A Val556Ile NP [8] None
1 Missense chr3:193,355,778, G>A Ser358Asn NP Novel None
1 Missense chr3:193,361,782, A>G Glu499Gly NP Novel Hearing Loss, ophthalmoplegia, myopathy, ataxia
1 Nonsense chr3:193,332,633, C>T Arg52X NP [42] Hearing Loss
1 Nonsense chr3:193,374,986, C>T Arg766X NP [15] None
1 Insert/Delete chr3:193,361,355–6, del TA Thr472 (564X) NP [5] Paresthesias
1 Insert/Delete chr3:193,372,737–8, ins T Asn700 (727X) NP Novel None
1 Insert/Delete chr3:193,380,737, del G Val883 (883X) NP Novel None
6 delTTAG chr3:193,384,959–62, del TTAG Val958 (964X) Afr 9.96×10−5
ENF 4.62×10−5 [14] Myopathy, neuropathy, ataxia