Table 2 of Nakai, Mol Vis 2017; 23:514-519.

Table 2. Results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis. Prognostic factors for the improvement of the BCVA (logMAR) at 36 months after PDT.

Prognostic factors SPRC SEM t-value P value
Number of T (risk) allele at rs10490924 in ARMS2 0.22 0.060 3.72 0.00045
Baseline BCVA (logMAR) −0.41 0.12 −3.37 0.0013
The presence of PCV
(yes=1, no=0) −0.37 0.095 −3.93 0.00022
Recurrence within 3 years
(yes=1, no=0) 0.27 0.097 2.83 0.0063