Table 3 of Han, Mol Vis 2017; 23:457-469.

Table 3. The annotation of circRNA.

circRNA_ID Chr circRNA_start circRNA_end #junction
reads #non_junction
reads CircRNAs
type gene_ID
chr1:1901431|1901647 Chr1 1,901,431 1,901,647 5 34 exon Ppil4
chr1:1901431|1909369 Chr1 1,901,431 1,909,369 5 22 exon Ppil4
chr1:2375315|2377265 Chr1 2,375,315 2,377,265 7 7 exon Ust
chr1:2839790|2849731 Chr1 2,839,790 2,849,731 2 8 intron SNORA32
chr1:3879152|3915233 Chr1 3,879,152 3,915,233 5 79 exon Stxbp5