Table 2 of Han, Mol Vis 2017; 23:457-469.

Table 2. The origin of clean reads in different stage of developing rat retina.

Sample P3 P7 P12
Total number of clean reads 79,680,804 73,230,288 89,480,408
Number of clean reads mapped on genome 61,697,391
(77.43%) 56,325,618
(76.92%) 72,183,843
Number of clean reads mapped on intron regions 49,562,407
(62.20%) 15,004,813
(20.49%) 56,256,016
Number of clean reads mapped on intergenic regions 19,376
(0.02%) 11,008
(0.02%) 15,521
Number of clean reads mapped on exon regions 12,115,608
(15.21%) 41,309,797
(56.41%) 15,912,306