Table 1 of Farjood, Mol Vis 2017; 23:431-446.

Table 1. Percentage of cell-cell junctions covered with junctional proteins, Claudin-1, N-cadherin, catenin and ZO-1, in short-term (1 day after confluence) and long-term (4 weeks after confluence) cultures of ARPE-19 and hRPE cells.

Cell type Time after confluence Cell-cell junctions covered with junctional protein (%)
Claudin-1 N-cadherin β-catenin ZO-1
ARPE-19 1 Day 0 26±5 5±3 64±14
4 Weeks 10±5 93±6 82±8 88±5
hRPE 1 Day 0 8±6 6±5 84±7
4 Weeks 53±6 69±17 49±13 98±2