Figure 3 of Matysik-Woźniak, Mol Vis 2017; 23:364-371.

Figure 3. Immunoreactivity of kynurenine aminotransferase KAT I, KAT II, and KAT III in the healthy human limbal cornea. All three KAT isoforms show a positive reaction in the epithelium, stroma, and endothelium (red staining of the cytoplasm around the nucleus). A: KAT I (epithelium + stroma). B: KAT I (stroma + endothelium). C: KAT II (epithelium + stroma). D: KAT II (stroma + endothelium). E: KAT III (epithelium + stroma). F: KAT III (stroma + endothelium; magnification 200X). Horizontal scale bar = 50 µm presented in panel F refers to all panels A-F.