Table 2 of Liao, Mol Vis 2017; 23:318-333.

Table 2. The rs10490924-T allele is associated with low levels (negative effect sizes) of PLEKHA1 gene expression in most tissues.

Tissue P-value Effect Size Expression (Mean RPKM) Number samples
Brain - Nucleus accumbens (bg) 0.084 0.14 N/A 93
Stomach 0.45 0.038 20.678 170
Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia) 0.57 0.033 188.491 100
Brain - Hypothalamus 0.77 0.024 101.534 81
Heart - Left Ventricle 0.73 0.023 21.246 190
Brain - Frontal Cortex (BA9) 0.8 0.016 116.963 92
Brain - Putamen (basal ganglia) 0.82 0.016 193.492 82
Brain –Ant. cingulate cortex (BA24) 0.82 0.013 141.737 72
Heart - Atrial Appendage 0.93 0.0077 30.707 159
Small Intestine - Terminal Ileum 0.97 −0.0038 21.23 77
Testis 0.92 −0.0069 12.333 157
Liver 0.8 −0.024 52.72 97
Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg) 0.44 −0.032 62.651 302
Muscle - Skeletal 0.25 −0.041 6.046 361
Artery - Coronary 0.62 −0.043 145.955 118
Whole Blood 0.1 −0.046 1.153 338
Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere 0.64 −0.052 28.95 89
Esophagus - Mucosa 0.35 −0.053 14.493 241
Pituitary 0.47 −0.067 105.377 87
Esophagus - Muscularis 0.14 −0.072 53.302 218
Thyroid 0.12 −0.074 42.25 278
Adipose - Visceral (Omentum) 0.067 −0.081 110.21 185
Skin -Not Sun Exposed (Suprapubic) 0.11 −0.084 60.731 196
Colon - Sigmoid 0.31 −0.086 74.374 124
Adipose - Subcutaneous 0.05 −0.088 126.917 298
Colon - Transverse 0.12 −0.089 36.749 169
Breast - Mammary Tissue 0.15 −0.089 114.907 183
Lung 0.0069 −0.11 36.291 278
Artery - Aorta 0.056 −0.11 268.567 197
Spleen 0.19 −0.14 26.428 89
Brain - Cortex 0.032 −0.15 118.249 96
Pancreas 0.051 −0.15 14.597 149
Artery - Tibial 0.0013 −0.18 139.083 285
Brain - Hippocampus 0.044 −0.18 129.512 81
Prostate 0.11 −0.18 37.874 87
Adrenal Gland 0.037 −0.21 36.181 126
Vagina 0.0068 −0.22 96.109 79
Uterus 0.083 −0.22 104.586 70
Nerve - Tibial 1.40E-08 −0.25 99.2 256
Brain - Cerebellum 0.003 −0.3 44.175 103