Table 2 of Wang, Mol Vis 2017; 23:286-295.

Table 2. The comparison of the corneal neovascularization length and area after alkali burn.

Index Group Time points after alkali burns
At 3 days At 7 days At 14 days At 28 days
Length (mm) Norma control group 0±0 0±0 0±0 0±0
Empty vector group 0.92±0.08** 1.99±0.49** 4.22±0.60** 3.07±0.38**
  S100A4 siRNA group 0.82±0.06**# 1.33±0.32**# 3.11±0.42**## 2.18±0.25**##
Area (mm2) Norma control group 0±0 0±0 0±0 0±0
Empty vector group 12.68±3.24** 32.44±6.59** 72.23±9.66** 49.23±4.18**
S100A4 siRNA group 8.26±2.65**# 25.11±3.56**# 55.52±7.54**## 39.29±4.24**##