Table 1 of Wan, Mol Vis 2017; 23:1006-1014.

Table 1. The changes in cell cycle distribution of retinal pigment epithelium cells upon 7-Methylxanthine (7-MX) treatment.

Concentration of 7-MX (µmol/l) and treatment time Cell percentage (%) in different stages of cell cycle
G1 S G2
0 (24 h) 91.7±1.36 3.7±0.84 4.7±0.60
10 (24 h) 94.1±0.99* 2.5±0.31 3.4±0.69
0 (48 h) 83.1±1.17 9.9±0.42 7.0±0.75
10 (48 h) 81.4±1.02* 11.2±0.96 7.4±0.49
0 (72 h) 78.3±0.25 11.0±0.47 10.7±0.31
10 (72 h) 78.8±0.49 10.3±0.40 10.9±0.26