Figure 2 of Tang, Mol Vis 2016; 22:917-932.

Figure 2. Sequence chromatograms of novel mutations in FZD4. A: Heterozygous mutation c.133T>C. B: Heterozygous mutation c.133T>A. C: Heterozygous mutation c.158G>C. D: Heterozygous mutation c.268T>C. E: Heterozygous mutation c.975_978delCACT. F: Heterozygous mutation c.1034_1054delCTTATTTCCACATTGCAGCCT. G: Heterozygous mutation c.1475delG. H: Cloning sequencing demonstrated the heterozygous mutation c.975_978delCACT. I: Cloning sequencing demonstrated the heterozygous mutation c.1034_1054delCTTATTTCCACATTGCAGCCT. J: Cloning sequencing demonstrated the heterozygous mutation c.1475delG.