Figure 5 of Wang, Mol Vis 2016; 22:886-897.

Figure 5. Impact of RF/6A cell invasion by TF expression in ARPE-19 cells. A: Representative photographs of invasive RF/6A cells in each group (200X magnification). B: The average number of invasive RF/6A cells per field. *p<0.01, tissue factor (TF) siRNA versus Control. Overexpression of TF greatly increased the number of invasive cells (*p<0.01, pEGFP-N3-hTF versus Control), and this effect was significantly reduced with the Wnt inhibitor (#p<0.01, pEGFP-N3-hTF versus pEGFP-N3-hTF+IWR-1-endo). Bar = 50 μm.