Table 1 of Ben-Rebeh, Mol Vis 2016; 22:827-835.

Table 1. Clinical information of patients with pathogenic mutations.

Families Age Sex Age of clinic examination Fundus of the eye Visual field ERG Caloric test Severity of HI
USHTF1IV2 22 F 12 RP ND ND BP Profound
USHTF1IV3 25 F 15 RP ND ND BP Profound
USHTF1IV4 33 M 23 RP ND ND BP Profound
USHTF1IV5 40 M 30 RP 5–10° (V/4e) Done BP Profound
USHTF2III2 29 F 19 RP ND ND BP Profound
USHTF2III3 27 F 17 RP ND ND BP Profound
USHTF2III4 35 M 25 RP ND ND BP Profound
USHTF2III6 25 F 15 RP ND ND BP Profound
USHTF3II1 22 M 12 RP ND ND BP Profound
USHTF3II2 13 F 3 RP ND ND BP Profound
USHTF4II3 47 F 37 RP 5–10° (V/4e) Done BP Profound
USHTF4II4 33 M 23 RP ND ND BP Profound