Table 2 of Lamb, Mol Vis 2016; 22:674-696.

Table 2. Downstream phototransduction cascade parameters.

Symbol Description Default
value a Model 1
value b Units
βDark Dark rate constant of cGMP hydrolysis 3.2 4 s−1
αmax Maximal rate of cGMP synthesis by GC 120 150 µM/s
fCa Fraction of CNGC current carried by Ca2+ 0.12
KGCAP Ca2+ concentration parameter of GCAP 80 nM
mGCAP Ca2+ cooperativity of GCAP 1.5
JcG, max Maximal CNGC current for the OS 2000 pA
KcG cG concentration parameter of CNGC 20 µM
Jex, max Maximal exchange current for the OS 4.6 pA
Kex Ca2+ concentration parameter of exchanger 1100 nM
Calculated resting dark state
cGDark Dark cGMP concentration 4.12 µM
CaDark Dark Ca2+ concentration 322 nM
JDark Dark current 18.4 pA
Other kinetic parameters
νRE Rate of G*-E* activation by an R* 300 c s−1
kE Rate of G*-E* shut-off 5 c s−1
βsub Rate constant of cGMP hydrolysis by an E* 0.024 d 0.063 d s−1
BCa Buffering power of cytoplasm for Ca2+ 50
Vcyto Available cytoplasmic volume of OS 0.02 pL
Longitudinal diffusion parameters
DcG Longitudinal diffusion coefficient for cG 40 µm2/s
DCa Longitudinal diffusion coefficient for Ca2+ 2 µm2/s
L Length of outer segment 22 µm