Table 3 of Hao, Mol Vis 2016; 22:563-574.

Table 3. Cytokine concentrations (pg/ml) in vitreous humor from endophthalmitis patients.

Name of target Endophthalmitis (pg/ml) Control (pg/ml) Fold change P value
GM-CSF 162.55 79.28 2.05 0.808
IFNγ 397.79 119.33 3.33 0.003
IL-1β 577.17 28.07 20.56 0.005
IL-2 346.16 145.76 2.37 0.125
IL-4 67.42 53.83 1.25 0.682
IL-5 18.48 10.15 1.82 0.461
IL-6 3740.67 53.97 69.31 <0.001
IL-10 164.85 0   0.008
IL-12p70 11.23 11.8 0.95 0.941
IL-13 201.85 94.78 2.13 0.048
IL-17 472.25 197.83 2.39 0.157
IL-17F 0 0 0.00 0
IL-21 13,614.87 7965.29 1.71 0.004
IL-22 233.61 151.26 1.54 0.32
IL-23 161.38 107.24 1.50 0.367
IL-28A 64.3 0   0.016
MIP-3α 392.94 0.75 523.92 <0.001
TGF-b1 4413.77 2026.59 2.18 0.011
TNFα 32.16 16.22 1.98 0.113
TNFβ 52.3 34.69 1.51 0.021